Movie Summary [I Am Not What You Want]

Title: I Am Not What You Want / 天使
Release Date: 2001
Language:  Cantonese

English Subtitles? –  Yes

(actor – character)
Chet Lam  – Ricky
Nicky Hung – Mark
Joyee Lam – Mabel
Carol Chan – Olivia

Basic Plot Summary: 

May contain Spoilers!!!
And by ‘May’ I mean does!!! 

After Ricky comes out to his family, he is cast out by his parents and now lives with his close friend Mark who has still not revealed his true feelings, not even to his girlfriend.
Mark finds one of Ricky’s magazines and becomes curious…he buys a magazine for himself but when Mabel (his girlfriend  visits he quickly hides it under the cover of the sofa, however his attempts to hide it fail when she sits down and discovers it. Thankfully, to avoid awkwardness she assumes it belongs to Ricky.
Mark and Ricky get closer and closer and it becomes obvious that Mark really cares for Ricky, one day after sitting on the roof and just talking, Mark indirectly confessed his feelings.

My Thoughts:

Short movie guys….short movie…
This movie was so sweet and super adorable!
Chet Lam and Nicky Hung are really really cute, and really great actors.

However, there is a definite lack of physical affection in this movie. I don’t mind too much because you can understand what is going on just by the way they behave around each other. For example, the day that Mark confessed(-ish) and they spent the night together, they could have either had sex, or just slept next to each other. Judging by the way they both acted during the night and the next morning I’m just going assume they made the sexy time.

The subtitled version I used to watch it….the subs weren’t that good, as they were white, so whenever they showed on a light background I had to guess what was going on.


I would have liked to have seen more action, but as I said before, it concentrates more on the emotional   side rather than the physical attraction between the guys.

I will rate it

Screen caps:



[Posted to WP 19th April 2022] Copyright held by the film company; claimed as fair use regardless.Purpose of use: illustrate and display the film

One thought on “Movie Summary [I Am Not What You Want]”

  1. Okay I just watched this, and I was thinking they DIDN'T have sex because they were both dressed when they woke up. BUT then in a later scene, Mark asked Mabel if she came over on Friday, and she said \”Yeah… both of you were loud enough for people on the street to hear. We have known each other for years. You shouldn't be afraid to tell me anything. Am I that gossipy?\” So that makes me think \”Friday\” must have been the day Mark and Ricky went to the zoo or whatever and slept in the same bed, and she surely must have been saying that she heard them having sex that night, no? Or was she talking about something else?I wish they would have had subtitles for the song lyrics during the end credits since it's the song Ricky wrote (with a little help from Mark). 😦


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